The main objective of this study is to find out the role of military in internal security operations and human right in Nigeria. The study ascertain the issues attached to military involvement in internal security and the massive human right abuse that accompanies it. The study also discussed the problem and prospect of military operation as well make meaningful suggestion to help alleviate the situation. The study therefore adopts a qualitative approach and as well one of the traditional methods of gathering information, i.e. the secondary sources. A sizeable percentage of secondary sources that is used came from published and unpublished works which include materials extracted from: Archives, Newspapers, discussions, Conference papers, Magazines, Internets, Books, and Articles in journals e.t.c. Findings from the study revealed that Although the main functions of the military is to protect the nation against external aggression or threats, occasionally the military may be required to assist the civil authorities to deal with internal violence and suppress internal tension. However, it is pertinent to state that the security forces of the Nigerian state have many times, flagrantly violated human rights in the course of internal security operations. These have been done many times with impunity and the Nigerian state on its part, has been unresponsive to these cases of abuse which of course; threatens the cordial existence of the state. Owing to this therefore, the study recommends that It is necessary for a domestic legislation to be drafted which will regulate the operations of the military during internal operations. The Rules of Engagement of the military should be given a legal status and hence be stopped to be operating as mere guidelines. The Nigerian military as a matter of policy should established a new wing suitable for conducting ISOPs through purposeful training and indoctrination of personnel from recruitment, selection, organization, training, leadership management and practical execution.